Kaskády Nový Jičín
territorial regulation, composition of spatial solution
From an urban point of view, the area is designed to create housing in a green park with maximum effort to hide cars in the basement of the building. The building itself is then designed with its terraces so that the private greenery (terraces) flows smoothly into the public greenery (park). At the same time, the terraces form an imaginary elongated bank of the river and thus sensitively complement the entire space. Roads and outdoor parking for cars are also designed to affect the residential part of the area as little as possible.
The building is located with its longitudinal axis parallel to the flow of the river Jičínka as the most dominant spatial element.
composition of shape solution, material and color solution
From an architectural point of view, the building is designed using the concept of terraced residential cascades. These terraced residential cascades are an author-protected system consisting of a basic L-shaped modular element. By stacking these elements on top of each other - and partly behind each other - cascades are created in which the free part is the ceiling of the lower apartment but also the terrace of the upper apartment.
This principle allows the disposition to shoot in a variety of ways according to specific conditions. The interior space can be divided virtually arbitrarily by partitions according to customer requirements.
The apartment can be divided into a number of bedrooms, or create a studio apartment by removing the internal partitions designed in the standard design.
The modular system used combines the advantages of collective and individual housing.
The terraces create a feeling of comfort of the family house with its open terrace. In ordinary residential buildings, terraces are only possible on the highest or lowest floors. In an apartment building, residential terraces are part of virtually every apartment.
What makes a patio terrace is the view of the surroundings while maintaining its own intimacy. This principle applies to half of ordinary atrium houses. There is an atrium, or enclosed courtyard, just a space into which it is not to be seen. However, it is also visible from the residential terraces of the cascade house, but it is not visible to the neighbor's terrace, both at floor level and below. This is achieved not only by the layout solution by creating "corners", but also by the commonly known element of a wide railing with greenery. This solution ensures the intimacy of the individual terraces.
A special chapter is greenery. It is not a problem to have a small garden on the terrace. The interior of the terraces can be freely disposed of. From the static point of view, it is possible to agree on the location of swimming pools on the terraces. What is important from the point of view of the external view of the terraces is the planting of edge troughs. Their depth and technical solution also allows the planting of smaller trees. The offer of recommended greenery for the installation of these troughs is part of the greenery project.
With its architectural expression, the building will look non-violent, modern, clean and natural. The color of the building will be based on the principle of contrast complemented by wooden surfaces and greenery. The facade will be light, white. On the other hand, window frames, plumbing elements and other additional elements will be in the color anthracite or in a dark structured design. The refining element of the whole solution becomes the use of wood for the northern ventilated facade on the 1st floor and the tread surface of the terrace.