Czech pavilion EXPO 2025
The concept is based on the temporary nature of the building and the theme of the EXPO 2025 World Exhibition "Talent and Creativity for Life", which will take place in Osaka, Japan. The pavilion only consists of a shell and an inner mass. The self-supporting wooden shell presents a strong visual identity celebrating Czech talent and creativity, while the internal functional mass of the pavilion ensures the required capacity, operation and economy. The main theme of the pavilion is wood as a renewable material and its new uses. The chosen solution presents an innovative sustainable technology of cross-laminated timber (CLT), which ensures top quality, enables pre-fabrication in the Czech Republic and minimizes costs. Thanks to this technology, the pavilion will be easier to recycle or relocate.
The architectural concept, forming a utilitarian interior mass embedded in a creative wooden shell, is the answer to a large number of requirements. The creative shell helps to partially abstract the pavilion, to support a creative impression, the sophisticated construction system refers to the talent of the Czech nation, the transparency connects the inner and outer worlds and is variable at different times of the day thanks to the play of lights and shadows. Two holes are cut into the casing. The main, wider one with a spatially significant translation, forming the main entrance and the secondary, smaller one, serving as the entrance to the shop.
The shell is finished by gradually inserting panels that refer to the cornices of Czech houses and the roof overhangs of Japanese houses. However, this finish is primarily functional, as it protects the wooden facade and visitors from bad weather. From the point of view of the density of the elements forming the creative shell (hollow wooden panels), the main street facade is solved the most intensively, as it is the part with which the visitor comes into close contact. The side facades towards the back facade gradually become thinner in terms of the number of installed elements, which ensures a smooth transition of the creative facade over the corner, economic savings, supports the perspective and creates the effect of gradual disappearance.
The basic interior mass is cubic, above ground and three stories high with a receding fourth floor. It contains the required operations, is designed with an emphasis on functionality, respects its internal structural solution and is designed in many parts as variable according to subsequent actual requirements for spaces, installations and interior elements. The interior mass is also wooden with sustainability in mind and is made up of CLT panels, KVH beams and steel columns clad in multi-layered wooden boards. The basic mass is further supplemented by a fourth receding floor, which is invisible when viewed from the space in front of the pavilion and is therefore designed in a minimalist design. The receding floor is divided into two functional parts, both of which are glazed as far as possible towards the south towards the adjoining terraces, surrounded by raised beds with rich greenery. The foyer of the pavilion is discussed functionally with regard to the morphology of the pavilion. The most prominent part is the axis of the main entrance, which is directly connected to the public space. The remaining area is designed as a quiet area with a large amount of greenery and a relaxation zone complete with a crystal installation. The back side of the pavilion is purely functional and low-cost. The project is a competitive proposal.